
Thursday, July 1, 2010


My colour has often lured me into saying 'black is beautiful'. This is something close to self gratification given very many things people on the other side of the barricade had said about being black. I'm black, so I have reasons to share the black bias.
I have heard this again and again but cannot get to understand so many ambiguities attached with colour black and its attendant beauty though I've chosen to agree my colour is beautiful.

Prehistoric facts about slave trade have affected me so bad that I really don't seem to agree whether genuinely, the words spelt out carry similar meaning to me or the authors talkless of forgetting the uttered brutality with which our forefathers were chained, marched and packed like commodities.

What is the beautiful about being black? Black people, black items and objects or just black as a standalone colour?
My disagreement with these words is simply when black has to do with us, the black race.
Like, if black people are truly beautiful, the slave masters should have kept us on the runway as models and not sugarcane fields as human machines; working without commensurate rewards. Mouths padlocked with horsewhips mercilessly bruising our princely skin.
This write-up would have had no basis, if they had said, Black is Strong!
What further compounds my misunderstanding of this sentence are certain things that black explains.

Black Death: the plague that killed large numbers of people in Europe in the 14th to 18th centuries.
Black Maria: a prison van.
Black Art: magic performed for evil reasons.
Black Sheep: a member of a family or group who is unsatisfactory in some way.
Blacklist: a list of people who are out of favour.
Blackmail: to obtain money illegally from (a person), usually by threatening to make known something which the victim wants to keep secret.
Black Market: (a place for) the illegal buying and selling, at high prices, of goods that are scarce, rationed etc.

All these definitions were lifted 'word for word' from Kernerman Semi-Bilingual Dictionaries MOT GlobalDix 3.0 on my Nokia E71.

There are others like, Blackbook, Black Days etc. You can remember the Black Sunday in Nigeria?
I might have somehow missed the point considering my bias but nothing about the series of definitions seem to me to have said anything about beauty.

From this point, we certainly should have some things to consider in almost the same direction.
I have not done any extensive reading before now on this topic but would really need not going by the sets of definition.
It is so bad that when people want to mourn, the colour is still black.
I have equally seen couple of films where Satan has been depicted a Black Man and Jesus, a White guy. Not only is He just white, He has long hairs. Yet, none of this physical attributes by my latest search is evident in the Bible.
He just has to be a white man because he is the Saviour of the world.
It is not impossible though to base colouration arguments on biological trends and all sorts. It bothers me no more. Black, to them, can't just be anything good.
The summary therefore presupposes that, black is bad. How do I then reconcile this mixup? This is my dilemma, my cross.
I hope one day, the world would truly come together to combat the ills of racial discrimination. So that when it is said, black is beautiful, we can rest assured everything said is meant. These were the dreams of Martin Luther, the agitations of Malcolm X and now, my Concerns.

My brethrens of the resilient black race, let it be known today and forever, the beauty in us lies not only in our shiny skin with a balanced melanin composition but in our hearts, generosity, respect for humanity; in our firm hold to our ancestral heritage.
We really aren't waiting to be told we are beautiful for already we know.
We are of God's perfect image. We are black, we are beautiful.
Thank God I'm Black.


Anonymous said...

True talk man, honestly am proud to be black especially whenever l realised am a nigerian l feel good, remember twins of the same womb dìffers in character, those so called white fucked up sometimes or always so, color mean nothing. 'Schei.

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